How to keep fit when working from home

How to keep fit when working from home

As many companies switch to home working, some people may find themselves working from home for the first time. If you’re used to working in an office then working from home will represent a complete change to your daily routine.

One of the biggest issues with being confined to the house is that there is even less opportunity for exercise. Maybe you usually walk or cycle to work, get out for a walk at lunchtime or go to the gym on your way home. It’s important for both your physical and mental health to find alternative ways to keep fit.

Here are some simple ways to stay active while working from home.

Do some simple exercises

Staying active can be as simple as incorporating basic exercises into your workday, such as sitting down and standing up ten times in a row or doing some jumping jacks a few times in the morning and afternoon. You could also try doing more strenuous exercises, such as push ups or squats. If you break it up throughout the day, it is easy to do 40-50 each day. This can make for a simple and effective routine.

Join in with a fitness video or online class

Doing fitness videos in your lunch break or after work is a great way to stay focused on your exercise routine. There are lots of online exercise videos available for free as well as live online classes. Remember there are some benefits to working from home: you can grab a quick shower after your workout and, as long as you’re not on a video call, no-one will know if you’re wearing your gym clothes while you work!

Get on your bike

If you have an exercise bike at home, take a 10 minute break from your work a few times a day to get your heart rate up. Short bursts of high-intensity activity will get your blood pumping and burn body fat. Think about whether you could also use your bike while you work. Maybe you could cycle slowly while taking phone calls or reading. Even at a low pace you can increase your metabolism, strengthen leg muscles and have a positive effect on your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Walk and work

Take a walk around the house at regular intervals. For example, you could make it a rule to always walk around while taking phone calls. If you have stairs, walk (or run) up and down a few times. A walking treadmill could also help you keep moving while you work.

Taking short breaks to get your body moving and your heart pumping is not only good for your physical wellbeing, it can also help you focus better when you get back to work. Aerobic workouts can help improve memory and brain functioning, lower stress levels and give you more energy.

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