The Importance of Designing a Healthy Workspace for Employees

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are one of the most common work-related ailments. According to the latest research, these disorders affect millions of workers in Europe and can cost employers billions of euros (European Agency for Safe and Healthy Work, 2016 ¹). By tackling MSDs, companies can not only improve the lives of their employees but it can also help them economically.
An estimated 9.5 million working days were lost due to MSDs in the UK last year. This represents nearly 40% of all days lost due to work related ill-health (Health and Safety Executive, 2015 ²). Hence, by creating a healthy environment for the employees to work in, companies can ensure the well-being of their employees, thus relating in fewer work days lost. Here are a few tips that companies could use that can help them create a healthier workspace:
Provide the right office furniture
One of the major causes of MSDs is being seated at one position for a long time. Hence, companies should try to provide environmental settings that encourage people to sit, stand and move throughout the day. Another factor that companies need to take into account is that the furniture they invest in should be able to support the postures of all their employees. A good way to ensure this is by investing in height adjustable desks.
Encourage Movement
Companies could invest in support spaces in the office premise that give their employees the opportunity to be active around the workspace. By investing in rooms such as a gaming room, a resting room, etc. companies can give employees a reason to leave their desks and move around during their breaks. Employers should also encourage the employees to take the stairs and walk around the office while on phone calls. Employees could be provided a basic exercise sheet with simple postures to try for an easy workout at work.
Think about ergonomics and outside factors
Air quality and access to natural light can play an important role in wellness in the workplace. Hence, companies should ensure that their employees receive maximum sunlight and the air quality should be well-maintained. Moreover, companies should try to make the equipment and furniture used by employees ergonomically friendly; one such example is providing adjustable workstations. These workstations move beyond the ‘one-size-fits-all’ model and can provide a more ergonomic adjustment for all body types. By providing a height adjustable computer desk, employees can adjust the desk according to their height, thus increasing comfort and giving a better posture.
By providing a healthy workspace for their employees, companies can leave a positive and caring impression on their employees, thus improving staff morale and reducing staff turnover. Companies can purchase executive office furniture such as executive office desks from AJ Products that can help to increase employee comfort and well-being.
- European Agency for Safe and Healthy Work (2016) Musculoskeletal disorders [online] available from: [accessed May 2016]
- Health and Safety Executive (2015) Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder Statistics (WRMSDs) in Great Britain 2015 [online] available from: [accessed May 2016]