Cure fatigue with the right lighting

Did you know that lighting effects our wellbeing? Subjecting your eyes to poor lighting can have a number of physical consequences, including eye strain, headaches and even neck pain, especially if it occurs over a long period of time. With the right lighting you can reduce the health-related problems caused by a poorly lit workstation. Here we suggest five ways to get the best light in your office!
Lighting is important in every office and workplace, but is rarely top of the priority list, perhaps because we simply forget about it. Improper lighting can create problems such as tiredness, headaches and eye strain, especially over time. There are even those who say that lighting is a hidden resource that remains untapped for many companies because good lighting leads to increased productivity and improved work performance, while poor lighting leads to the opposite.
1. Good light from every angle
When you design the lighting in your workplace, you should first think about having an evenly lit work area and the ability to vary the brightness. Being able to vary the light conditions in your workspace is important from an ergonomic point of view. If you have a sit-stand desk, the lighting should be just as good when you stand up as when you sit down. The lights should also be adjusted to the kind of work you do and your personal needs.
2. Avoid sharp contrasts
Keep in mind that dark surfaces absorb light while bright surfaces reflect it. Therefore, rooms with dark décor usually need more light fittings. Mix directional light with general lighting to create soft and pleasant contrasts between light and shadow. There should be as little contrast between your work area and the surrounding environment as possible.
3. Take advantage of daylight
Let as much daylight into the office as possible. Just make sure not to blind anyone! Exposure to natural light and a view of the outside world improve both our mental and physical wellbeing. White walls and ceilings are a great way to let more daylight into the office, because white reflects more light than colours. However, a lack of colour can leave us lethargic and under-stimulated. Think about adding artwork or using colourful textiles to inspire creativity and improve work performance.
4. Think about the colour of the light
Artificial indoor lighting also affects the body's circadian rhythm. That’s why the warmth of the lights is just as crucial as the brightness. Cool blue lighting has a refreshing effect as it lowers the level of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, in the body and makes you more energetic and efficient. Warm, golden light is cosier but also makes us more tired and is generally better in the home.
5. Don’t underestimate the desk lamp
Use an ergonomic desk lamp that can be adjusted. Desk lamps have a highly concentrated direct light, which is perfect when you want to light up a specific area. Place your desk lamp to the left of you if you are right-handed and to the right if you are left-handed. This prevents shadows forming over your workspace.