Disability in the workplace

Disability in the workplace

Some employers worry that having a staff member with a disability will make their work life more difficult. They simultaneously fear that they may offend employees or potential employees and that they may find themselves in breach of health and safety regulations. Some disabled people fear that this could be used as an excuse to exclude them from work opportunities.

By working together, employers and disabled workers can find a solution that works for everyone. Involving the disabled employee in any changes that need to be made means that the solution will be tailored to individual circumstances thereby avoiding any risk of discrimination.

As an employer you should:

  • manage work risks for everyone
  • take account of disability and avoid making any assumptions
  • involve disabled workers in risk assessments and any ‘reasonable adjustments’ needed
  • consult specialists or the employee’s representative where necessary
  • review the situation if necessary


Under current health and safety guidelines, employers are required to make 'reasonable adjustments' to jobs and workplaces for disabled workers. This is to ensure disabled people have equal access to work opportunities. These adjustments may be permanent or temporary depending on the nature of the employee’s disability.

How to make a workspace wheelchair friendly

Just a few simple modifications to the workspace can make life a lot easier. One piece of furniture that will make a big difference is a height adjustable desk. The raised table height will easily accommodate a wheelchair and can be quickly adjusted at the push of a button according to the wheelchair user’s level of comfort. Some wheelchair users may prefer to use a standard office chair during the working day; in this case the chair chosen should be sufficiently sturdy as to bear the weight of a person moving into it from a wheelchair. Switching from a standard vertical filing cabinet to a lateral or desk high cabinet will keep files within reach and improve access for those who cannot reach high shelves or upper drawers; the same goes for bookcases and office cabinets. Low-level lockers are available to provide more convenient personal storage.

It is important when selecting office furniture for wheelchair users that you know the user’s comfortable working height, the dimensions of the wheelchair and restrictions on mobility and range.

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