How can your office layout encourage better team building at work?
Why not sit next to each other?

Often these days, employees speak to each other using webchats and emails to communicate messages regarding work-related business. However, a lot of these discussions can be resolved in a matter of minutes by speaking with your colleagues face-to face. Having desks located next to your colleagues will encourage you to talk to your co-workers regularly and will help build those key relationships to improve your team.
Meeting rooms can inspire teams
Discussions can take place at work in a variety of settings, such as conference rooms and meeting booths. Conference tables can come in an array of different sizes and styles. For example, a round table is perfect for brainstorming ideas and will create the impression of an inclusive atmosphere for your team. Having plenty of seating is also important in your conference room so that everyone can feel equal and have a place to sit at the table. If some of your team members are forced to stand during a meeting, it can make employees feel unwelcome and undervalued.

Create a space for employees to socialise at lunchtimes

Depending on the size of your business premises, employees should still have a space where they can get away from their desk to forget about work. Even if you have a small area, having a table at the heart of the room is a good starting point. It doesn’t matter if it’s a plastic folding table or a large conference table; having a place where colleagues can gather around to chat, while eating their lunch is essential for a strong team spirit.