Self-Leadership: Empower Yourself in the Workplace

Self-Leadership: Empower Yourself in the Workplace

Self-leadership is a leadership method where employees take responsibility for their own work, decisions, and performance. This concept, coined in the 1980s, has gained popularity, especially during the pandemic when remote work increased, requiring employees to work more independently. In a fast-changing world, a modern leader must create psychological safety for those practicing self-leadership. Even a self-leader needs guidance.

As a family-owned business operating in 21 markets and with 45 years of experience working with entrepreneurs and business leaders, we constantly develop our leadership skills. Let us help you with workplace design and enhance your knowledge of leadership, including self-leadership.

black girl in an office

What is Self-Leadership? 

Self-leadership is a leadership method where employees take charge of their own work, decisions, and performance. It involves setting work goals, prioritising tasks, and taking initiative independently. Self-leadership also means being aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses and striving for continuous improvement.

When is Self-Leadership Suitable?

Self-leadership is not suitable for everyone. It requires commitment from both the employee and their manager. Employees need to be highly motivated and responsible, as they manage their own tasks and objectives without direct supervision. Training and exercises can help employees learn more about self-leadership and how to practice it effectively.


Leading Self-Leaders 

As a manager, leading self-leaders involves participating in their work while trusting that tasks will be completed. It’s crucial to step back and encourage employees to take responsibility for their work. Emotional support, continuous feedback, follow-up, and evaluation are also essential components.

Benefits and Challenges

Advantages of Self-Leadership
  • Increased Responsibility and Initiative: Self-leadership fosters a sense of ownership and engagement, as employees take charge of their tasks and goals.
  • Better Adaptation to Changing Environments: Self-leaders are often more flexible and innovative, which is critical in dynamic and competitive workplaces.
  • Improved Stress Management: Proactively managing their work allows self-leaders to handle stress better, leading to a healthier work-life balance.
  • Enhanced Teamwork and Efficiency: Self-leaders typically communicate and collaborate well, improving team dynamics and workplace efficiency.
Challenges of Self-Leadership
  • Risk of Overload and Burnout: Without proper boundaries, self-leaders may take on too much responsibility, leading to burnout.
  • Difficulty in Delegating and Accepting Support: Self-leaders might struggle with delegating tasks and accepting help from colleagues and managers.
  • Increased Pressure from Employers: Greater freedom and responsibility can lead to higher performance pressure.
  • Blurred Work-Life Boundaries: Remote self-leaders may find it challenging to separate work from personal life.


Working in a VUCA World as a Self-Leader

Adapting to Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity

The concept of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) is often associated with leadership and self-leadership. Originating from the US military, VUCA describes the rapidly changing, complex world we live in today. It’s relevant in leadership as businesses face constant challenges and new demands.

Self-leadership is particularly valuable in a VUCA world, requiring adaptability, determination, and personal responsibility. Employees who set their own goals, stay updated on global trends, and adapt to rapid technological changes are highly advantageous in such environments.

man using a computer in an office


Self-leadership has become an increasingly popular leadership method, especially during the pandemic with the rise of remote work. It involves employees setting their own goals, working independently, and prioritising tasks. This method isn’t suitable for everyone and requires commitment from both the employee and the manager. Benefits include increased responsibility and adaptability, while challenges involve the risk of overload and blurred work-life boundaries.


Self-leadership is a method where employees take responsibility for their own work, decisions, and performance, setting their own goals and prioritising tasks independently.
Benefits include increased responsibility and initiative, better adaptation to changing environments, improved stress management, and enhanced teamwork and efficiency.
Managers can support self-leaders by providing emotional support, continuous feedback, follow-up, and evaluation, while trusting employees to take responsibility for their work.
VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. It describes the rapidly changing world we live in today, making self-leadership valuable as it requires adaptability, determination, and personal responsibility.

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