6 Effective Steps to Optimise Your Warehouse Logistics Flow

Six steps towards a better logistics flow in the warehouse

An efficient warehouse is directly linked to satisfied customers who continue to purchase from your company. Problems in the warehouse can lead to late or incorrect deliveries and even damage to the goods, causing customers to switch to other suppliers. This highlights the importance of assessing your logistics flow and resolving issues promptly.

Make sure your bestselling products are easy to access

Are your high-frequency goods in the right place? Your bestselling products should be easily accessible, not stored at the back of the warehouse. This reduces unnecessary travel for your staff, saving time and increasing efficiency. Think of it like organising a kitchen: frequently used items are kept within easy reach, while seldom-used items are stored away. Applying this principle in your warehouse can significantly boost productivity.

With careful planning, you can quickly enhance your storage and logistics systems. A place for everything and everything in its place is essential in a warehouse.

Person using platform trolley in warehouse aisle

Make sure your bestselling products are easy to access

Are your high (and low) frequency goods in the right place? Your bestselling products should be easily accessible not right at the back of the warehouse, so that your staff don't waste time making a lot of long and unnecessary journeys to fetch them. Think about it the same way you think about your kitchen: the kitchen knives and coffee machine that you use every day are out on the counter, glasses and plates are in the most easily accessible cupboards and the fondue set is at the back of a high shelf somewhere! It’s the same a warehouse.

With careful planning, you can quickly make your storage and logistics systems more efficient. A place for everything and everything in its place – nowhere is this more applicable than in a warehouse. 

Pallet racking

Remember to keep some space free

When will your warehouse be full? Ideally, your warehouse should be kept 80% to 85% full to make it easy to accept incoming goods and store them correctly. This provides ample free space for temporary reorganisation when large deliveries arrive.

If your warehouse frequently has less free space, it can complicate daily operations and increase costs. You can address this by making more efficient use of floor space, increasing storage capacity with additional shelving units, or moving to larger premises

Storage system for goods

  • Pallet Racks are racks made up of beams and are the most common type of storage for pallets in industrial warehouses.
  • Free stacking means that pallets of goods are placed directly on the floor. More pallets are then stacked on top.
  • Automated warehouses  mean that cranes and transport lanes for pallets are automated. This solution is common on very large warehouses.
  • Shelf compartments are used for smaller goods that are not loaded on a pallet. Shelf storage can also be automated.
Person with picking trolley in stockroom

Update your fixtures and fittings regularly

Has the type of goods you store changed permanently? Then it's time to take action. Efficient warehouse management requires fittings designed for the goods you store. If small items are stored on shelves meant for larger items, you're wasting valuable space. Adjusting shelf depths to meet new requirements can free up floor space and increase capacity.

Maximise vertical space by expanding upwards, but be cautious. Shelves that are too high or deep can make products difficult to reach, creating inefficiencies. Balancing space utilisation and accessibility is key.

People in warehouse

Optimise working conditions for warehouse staff

Are there increasing complaints about incorrect picking and damaged goods? It's crucial to review the working conditions of your warehouse staff. Long journeys and complex picking routines can lead to stress and errors, perceived by customers as poor service.

Investing in the well-being of your employees by providing optimal working conditions improves both quality and efficiency. Ergonomic equipment and streamlined processes can reduce errors and enhance productivity.

Close up of pallet racking
Birds' eye view of warehouse packing stations

Make sure you have the right equipment

What can you do to make work in the warehouse easier? It's all about being organised and saving time. The top priority is for every product to have a designated place on the shelves that is clearly marked and easy to find. It's also important to have well-equipped packing tables nearby to make packing easier. Remember to have plenty of workstations so that no one has to wait and waste time unnecessarily.

Appropriate trolleys and lifting equipment perform two functions: they make the work more efficient and provide an ergonomic work environment that reduces the risk of injuries.

It's also a good idea to have recycling stations in strategic positions. This means that discarded materials are recycled straight away without wasting time. The result is no litter or blockages in the aisles.

Increase security in the warehouse

Effective safety measures are essential for large and heavy pallet racks. It is crucial to select high-quality pallet racks that comply with industry safety standards. In the event of a potential accident involving a truck, there is a risk of instability. To safeguard the warehouse's pallet racks, various safety measures such as collision protection and gable protection are necessary. Additionally, the installation of anti-fall protection can prevent goods from falling behind the racks.

A comprehensive assessment, such as those covering machinery, storage facilities, and vehicle pathways, plays a pivotal role in enhancing safety standards. The installation of traffic mirrors in areas with limited visibility significantly improves warehouse safety. Strategic placement of monitoring mirrors is essential for accident prevention in dynamic warehouse environments. Adequate lighting is a must to ensure optimal visibility within the premises.

Here you can read more about safer warehouse and industrial environments.

Warehouse interior featuring pallet racking and despatch area

Give your customers what they want

Are you losing business because your warehouse can't keep up with demand? Long delivery times can drive customers to other suppliers. Take action to create a warehouse capable of meeting customer expectations.

Whether you're addressing a specific issue or looking for the best warehouse products, our experts are here to help. We aim to provide the best warehouse solutions tailored to your needs. No job is too big or too small. Contact us to start designing a warehouse solution that satisfies both your customers and employees.


Enhance efficiency by making bestselling products easily accessible, maintaining some free space, updating fixtures regularly, and investing in ergonomic equipment.
Keeping the warehouse 80% to 85% full ensures you can accept incoming goods easily and reorganise temporarily when needed, ensuring smooth operations.
Ensure your fixtures are designed for the goods you store. Adjustments may be needed to optimise space and accessibility as your inventory changes.
Provide ergonomic equipment, minimise unnecessary journeys, and streamline picking routines to reduce stress and prevent errors, boosting overall efficiency.
Essential equipment includes clearly marked shelves, well-equipped packing tables, appropriate trolleys, lifting equipment, and strategically placed recycling stations to streamline operations and maintain order.
Ensure your warehouse can keep up with demand, reduce delivery times, and provide efficient service by optimising logistics, updating equipment, and maintaining an organised workspace.
Warehouse experts can provide tailored solutions to address specific issues, helping you create an efficient and well-designed warehouse that meets both your business and customer needs. Feel free to contact us!

Get help from our project design experts!

Do you need help planning a warehouse that suits the needs of your particular business? We can help you optimise your space and improve efficiency, all within your specified budget. Let our design professionals take control: from initial proposal to delivery, we can help you create your ideal workplace at no extra cost!