Sofas the way you want them, that's VARIETY
The only limit is your imagination
The modules in the VARIETY series can be combined into seating units of any size and placed anywhere in the room: along a wall or in the middle of the room. That means it doesn't matter what size your room is; whether it's a small or a large space, VARIETY can be adapted accordingly. You can design VARIETY to fit your room or design your room around VARIETY!
Here are some examples of how you can combine the modules to create the best seating solution for your needs.

Furnish in or around corners
Do you need a lot of seating in a small space? Do you need to keep as much floor space free as possible? Corner modules can solve the problem. They are ideal in and around corners and can be combined with straight modules to create a seating solution that hugs your walls. The great thing is by building a sofa this way, you can choose the number of seats you need and extend as required, so you can create a sofa with enough space for everyone!
VARIETY is available in several fabrics. Read more

A curved sofa creates dynamics
Thanks to their curved shape, half-circle sectional sofas create natural dynamics in the room. If you combine them by alternating one inward and one outward curve, you create the illusion of movement in the room with a sofa that appears to snake around the room. You can use the space in front of and behind the sofa by adding coffee tables, pouffes and more seating options. Creative interior design like this often leads to creativity in other areas.The corner modules are available in 90° and 45° angles, making it possible to create different types of curves. To further enhance the effect, you can combine units in different colours. Your choice of colour, design and material can enhance your space and make it more lively. Your sofa will make a statement regardless of where you place it!

Create uniformity
Furnishing with a combination of independent sofas and smaller modules allows you to quickly rearrange the room and is perfect for lot of different types of gatherings.
The VARIETY sofa with armrests can be used independently and is ideal for anyone looking for a traditional seating configuration. Even though this sofa is not extendable, it still matches perfectly with pouffes, stools or modular sofas in the series. All the different shapes and sizes are designed to give a uniform look regardless of how you choose to combine them.
Read how different seating areas can inspire collaboration

Long-term investment
The modules can be reconfigured or extended over time as needs change. Perhaps you are moving your business to new premises, which needs a completely different furnishing solution? In that case you can easily put the sofa together in a new design, extend it or complete it with additional seats as you prefer.
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