Education furniture for universities, schools and preschools

AJ Products has a wide range of innovative and stimulating educational furniture and play equipment to suit children from preschool all the way through to secondary school and sixth form college. We even have furniture that suits young people in tertiary education whether university or vocational colleges. We believe that children learn best when they're inspired, which is why all of our school furniture, whether for the classroom, library or playroom, is colourful, modern and fun.

School Furniture

Our range of modern classroom furniture is designed to stimulate students and provide a comfortable and welcoming environment that fosters learning. AJ Products is committed to promoting greater levels of exercise and activity in both schools and workplaces, so our furniture offering is designed to support an active learning classroom (ALC). We also know that classroom storage is essential to a functioning learning space to keep books, supplies and students’ belongings safe and out of the way, which is why we supply a wide range of cabinets, drawers, lockers and more.

Eco friendly school furniture

AJ Products was the first supplier on the market to develop a range of eco-friendly furniture carrying the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, specifically designed for schools and preschools. The idea was born from a desire to be at the forefront of environmental consciousness. For us, it was a chance to make a difference in an environment where children spend several hours every day of the week. By selecting products that carry the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, you are making a conscious and responsible choice both for the environment and for the children in your care. The entire production chain from forest to finished product and end-of-life recycling is carefully controlled.

School dining furniture

Lunchtime is an important part of the school day; the right dining furniture lets students socialise and take a break from concentrating to catch up with their friends. Every school should look for ways to ensure as many students as possible can sit and eat together. Folding tables are a smart choice for many schools as they can be packed away at the end of the break so that the hall can be used for other activities such as assemblies and PE lessons.

Preschool furniture

Young children need furniture and play equipment that stimulates their imagination and stands up to a lot of wear and tear. Our wooden preschool furniture is the right size for toddlers and small children to sit comfortably while they play, learn or eat lunch. A preschool activity table is a perfect space for arts and crafts, creative play and early scientific discovery for inquisitive minds while play furniture develops social skills and teaches children to interact with the real world. Make sure the nursery is ready for the all-important Nativity play with a school stage!