Notice boards for the office, pin boards

The prototype active office: work where your mind is, not where your desk is!
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You need notice boards to give your employees a more personal touchpoint for consuming important information, bulletins and updates at the office. At AJ Products, we have a range of office notice boards, in different sizes, colours and styles, to both suit your slick office aesthetic, and communication needs.
For a practicality, but also stylishness and great looks, you need our general indoor and outdoor notice boards. We have options in cork, pin-board style, or the go-to white board look. For outdoor options, you need our range of water and dirt-resistance notice boards. They're designed to be slightly more durable, to stand up to the elements, and are available in lockable options, magnetic options for corridors and reception areas, and in options with hardwearing woven cloth. Our indoor and outdoor notice boards have an aluminium frame and some are made of line fabric.
For an even more modern look and feel, you need our magnetic glass notice boards. They're made from toughened safety glass, and reinforced with a steel backing. And because they're magnetic, memos, notices and flyers can be tacked to the board, and then easily removed and replaced. Glass notice boards are highly versatile and writable with a dry-wipe surface for easy cleaning.
For inter-employee communication – both the fun and formal kind – you need a mini white board. They're great for mounting on the backs of office doors as a message board for colleagues. Mini white boards are as great as notepads for quick reminders and daily task lists, lightweight - they can be taken along to important meetings, as a trusty presentation aid.
Are you looking for something specific. We can help. Chat with us online, email or give us a call on 01252 359760.